Walking with Strangers

perfectly fine with me :]

Anu wondered what to make of her, though feeling a certain distaste coming from the stranger. It was unlike Anu to not feel friendly, now that introductions were complete and they had settled into the normal small talk of to acquaintances. Still Anu felt her body rigid, tense in the presence of Sabeen. The words that they russet colored female spoke were unknown to her. They held anger and there was a dangerous flash of fury that passed over the other female’s eyes. Anu looked into them, not feeling afraid but curious. Was Dahlia as pain filled for her as it was for the female Anu fondly remembered meeting?

Anu let her surprise show as Sabeen barked her command to move along, but the female still walked as she had been told to do. It was only natural for her to do as she was told, though she kept her body level with the other female. She may have been doing a she was told, but she was no submissive. Anu let the silence fill the space between them, as to not follow her direction like a trained parrot. Blue eyes looked at her, her mouth a thin line of deep thought before letting the words fall from her lips.

I’m the Brigadier General of Crimson Dreams. That’s the third in command. Her gave her title in a nonchalant tone, she wasn’t anything too fantastic. Letting her shoulders shrug Anu relaxed flashed a small smile, wondering if it would affect the rigid fey at all. I don’t know many from Dahlia, but she doesn’t like it there either. I find it sad that you didn’t find comfort in the pack. She seemed so sour, and Anu decided to fight it with sweetness.


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