Cherished dreams are never asleep
Firefly hasn't expected the icy bitch to visit her during the celebration but when the lady appeared infront of her and began to speak Firefly's hard stare remained the same. She had come because they had been called, just performing those duties that she had to. No one could say that the Solum hadn't come when she was called atleast. Even if they didn't want her dark presence they couldn't find fault in her appearing. She probably wouldn't have been so sour if the pack hadn't taken everything that meant something to her away. Her eyes flashed as she glared at Cercelee, silent for too long, almost not wanting to speak at all, she didn't think the woman deserved for her to be addressed. She'd basically consented in her children being taken away from her.

"Perhaps I can because it's the only chance I'll probably get to see my sons." she hissed as she turned her attention away from Cercelee and towards where her two small boys were gathered, to where she couldn't appear before them and actually show them the attention and affection she wanted to. Haku would never allow her that close to them, even if he didn't want them and she doubted that Alexey would show her a friendly face even for a second if she was allowed to approach.

Her emerald eyes turned back to Cercelee as she said bitterly. "It's not like you object to that fact either.." she wished for a moment that the woman would get off her soapbox and realize how cruel she was for allowing the Solum's pups to be taken away, no longer Firefly's children, but the pack's children. She turned away from the woman, not wanting to give her a chance to speak as she prepared to leave, it was obvious that she wasn't going to get to see the two boys, even here and now.

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