Improper Methods
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Rath's brows furrowed in an interested manner as he listened to Mew describe the library. It appeared as if he had yet another place to chalk up to his list of future destinations. He had no idea when he'd ever get the time to visit all of them. Despite the subconscious urge to discuss the idea within himself, he remained focused on the white female in front of him, listening to her words with rapt attention. Indeed this was quite an enjoyable conversation, the likes of which he had not had for a long while. To speak with someone who actually understood certain aspects of his hobby and practiced them herself, was a superbly enjoyable experience. However, he could not think of anymore questions to ask the white femme. She had answered every one he had thought of and now he simply had run out of them.

"So Mew...I've asked you so many you have any questions for me?" He asked. That was a question, of sorts. Besides, it was only fair that she should be given a chance to pick his brain should she desire. He wasn't sure whether or not he'd be a source of any great knowledge, but at least he had made an attempt to be polite. Despite the various thoughts dashing in and out of his scatter brain mind, Rath maintained his eye contact with the green eyed musician, his features softened in a friendly, expectant manner. He had gone to enough trouble to ask if she had anything to ask him, and now he was actually wishing for her to ask him something. He was enjoying having a conversation with a fellow musician and did not wish it to end when he believed it to have only just gotten started. Hopefully it would not end.


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