WC: 500+

Pearly whites shone against the sun in a large yawn. The lazy days were almost here, the sun was high and birds sang all around him in the trees. Spring was here and winter..well that was a memory of the past. Just last spring he had been a pup barely half his age and now he looked out at his second spring, a new start and a sweet beginning was fast approaching. Life had calmed down since his winter drama and now he was free to roam a stunning male once again. The small store bell rang as the door swung shut behind him as he stared a steady jog towards whisper beach.

The morning had been spent with a leisurely walk towards Halifax. The city was a love of the over sized male, always so much to discover and the greenery was an awe inspiring sight the way grass and weeds grew around statues and houses who's owners have been long since dead. The architecture amazed Jazper, every stone and brick was perfectly placed. The humans must have been extremely creative. After all, they had invented music! All the brilliant works he had found and practiced into the night with. Books had taught him of the human musicians, their was of learning. It is written that some humans could even taste the sweet or bitter sound of music and that some could see the colors made. If this where true Jazper felt the music, every soft sweet moment hat grew into a frustrated burst of energy. It was almost magical.

Stepping onto the beach his toes wiggled, sand wedging into the cresses of his feet and clinging to the short sleek hairs. With a deep breath and release his journey was complete. Here he was relaxing to the swish of the waves. Spring and Summer seem to be made or walking along in his beige shorts o the beach. Closing his eyes his ears shifted forward taking in the sounds of waves and birds on the shore. His bliss was rudely interrupted by a pups scream. Bolting off in the direction of the cry His golden orbs narrowed. Coming quickly towards him the familiar scene of the beast chasing a female pup rapidly approached. He did not slow but instead he ran , grabbing the girl into his chest as he crouched low protectively. His upper lip curled back in as he puffed out his upper chest and released a loud snarl. “I thought I told you to pick on someone your own size.” He growled, a deep rumbling echoing within his chest as lowered his head to stop the beast. He gently placed the pup on the sand under him, leaving both hand free to protect her.

If there was one thing he hated was males who thought they owned everything they touched. Even worse, wolves that hurt pups. Add in some gruesome habits and a taste for pup blood and you have your ideal scum bag that was before the massive coal male. Jazper was not someone you would willingly mess with, and if you did you would hope not to run into him again. With his life of training behind him he had the hight, weight and knowledge advantage over most wolves that he fought. It really was too bad this asshole couldn't stay away. "Obviously you haven't learned your lesson yet."


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