you're taking one down

as they thank the lord

the blind can't see

Oh, he mused quietly, his inner self sneering at the thought. He was, in a way, a relative through Faolin, who went through Gabriel. No blood flowed between them, but nonetheless, he was closed into the intricate web that was the Lykois and Mogotsis. He smiled at this information, (masking it as an understanding simper) though he attempted to look sad about the father thing, and failed. He decided he'd simply let that sit; no harm done.

She's my half-brother's mate, he said informatively, as if either of them cared about him, or were of his concern at all. In reality, Andre wouldn't give a second thought to their deaths, but to muse on how much they deserved it, but it wouldn't do any good to tell the other coyote boy this.

Where do you think he went off to?


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