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Forgetting the past, even for a moment in time was one of the greatest escapes, until time caught up with itself. DaVinci wasn't a fool, he knew the pleasure and content times wouldn't last forever, he even could dare to bet that he might just regret it all come morning but when he had pushed the history where it belonged in the past he had laid aside reason and responsibility as well. No one ever said the male was a genius, but sometimes just to be normal and make mistakes was the greatest allowance one could be granted. He would taken that allowance in this moment in time.. and just for this moment not care about anything but now.

Her eyes that seemed to hold a million emotions dancing in their blue depth were there looking him in the eye but there was no stopping now. No resistance from the beautiful woman that had claimed the stretch of beach with him, shared of the bottle and even now seemed to allow him to push the scene to the limits and see how far it would take them. He knew he was playing with a delicate china doll but as cruel and heartless as any male could be the callus hands were as soft as silk on the woman's flesh as he took from the woman only to have it returned just as eager and willing.

The kiss was gentle and slow, playing and teasing to see just what the lady could take, to see if she would subject herself to his hands or if she was willing to take the lead. Her small hand on his chest made him draw back from the intimate moment with the stranger that was closer than he could ever imagine. The pause only lasted a second before he returned once more, his lips gracing her's as his hand moved to the small of her back. Somewhere in the back of his mind he could feel her touch but he hadn't expected the moment when she drew him closer.

Unbalancing the male DaVinci was pulled ontop of Anu's smaller frame, one hand catching deep in the sands to keep his weight off her body as he lifted her frame slightly from the sands with the other. He could feel the heat that seemed to blossom from the touch of their bodies as he smiled down at the woman. His long wavy locks framing his face as he leaned over her just watching her lovely face for a moment, the world a little too bright and clear. He chuckled softly as he leaned down to lay small kisses along her neck and trail down her collarbone. There were no words to say, nothing was needed in the passions of nature.

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