you gotta beat us down first

The water was lovely. If course it was, and he had stated the thought over and over in his mind, and yet it still arose. He was almost transfixed by the body. But it did not take too long for the wind to bring a scent around the boy's nostrils, and his ears perked up. Indigo eyes wandering to the source, he spotted the male. A small, rather hesitant smile stretched over his maw, and he approached the other male politely.

Hello, sir. His words were also spoken as politely as his approach, and he even had his ears pinned back as to not offend. It was interesting how he would do that, when he had not even been trained to do so; it was a childish instinct, that he would, over time, grow out of, and maybe even frown upon. He would be different, no doubt.

He decided to introduce himself, then. Perhaps out of politeness, once more, or because he just wanted to; who knew. I'm Merit Acidic.


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