you might wanna sing

as they thank the lord

the blind can't see

I dunno, he admitted, though he didn't miss a beat in between; he could be an actor, if he wanted to pursue that kind of a life, but he already had his life in line, that being that rules were abhorred. It was a simple matter of rebelling against what was told to be, proper, and ignoring that which was not regular. Unfortunately, it led to the lack of reining on such rampant creatures, and left them to run their lives in whatever feral fashion they so chose.

He really likes it here, he explained quietly, as if that would be some kind of excuse. The forest and the mountain and everything. He says it's tranquil, reminds him of his real home. Yes, Andre really did have the perfect, father. Make-believe was much easier than reality, in which he had a wolf loving waste-of-space father named Laruku Tears, who was also somewhat insane, as the belief was. He was, too, but being the way he was, he believed it was simply by choice.


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