Wither Rose

Despite his sister's words, he found that his suspiscion remained and even grew. Arkham trusted all of the people that were giving him information and realized that all of their viewpoints could fit very squarely to the same individual (or half of an individual). It was clear then that this "monster" father was a trickster and that he knew very well the gullible ways of a child and was taking advantage of that. From his perspective on the outside, this deduction came systematically, but he knew immediately that there would be no convincing Rachias without in-your-face proof. What if he's trying to trick you? he wondered quietly, despite himself. He didn't really want to argue when the only thing he had behind him was the words of others, but he believed in it anyway.

A rather heavy sigh escaped his small body and he let his sister lean into him, enjoying both her presence and her warmth in the winter cold. I'll kick Andre's ass if he comes close, he muttered seriously. He didn't really know what to make of the last comment though. It was very sweet, but sweetness was usually very absent in his life and he didn't know how to respond. Y'don't gotta miss me, he settled on awkwardly. Come home, he wanted to tell her. If the father she preferred was gone anyway, why not? Andre wouldn't be able to hurt her if Gabriel was aware of his intentions. She would be fine. But he was half-sure that he'd promised himself not to pressure her and so he said nothing more than that.

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