Tomorrow seems so far away
Nah, Conor found her all by himself. If Emwe joins, play it out as if he randomly followed Conor? Smile (300)

He had found her scent and followed it for a while. The woman had nearly been forgotten until the pack meeting. It had been horrible, but he had recognized the pretty lady. He knew her scent well, even if she was not around any longer. She had left him all alone, and she had not come to save him when he had been lost and all alone. He had needed her more than ever back then, but she had not come and saved him. When he had been brought home to the cabin where the family had always lived, she had not been there. He had waited for her, but she had never come. At the pack meeting, the memory of his mother had come back, and he felt a new, strong sadness fill his heart. She had been close to the cabin not long ago, and today the child had managed to find her again.

Conor was still a little child, but he had quickly learned how to make use of his senses. He had never walked this far away from the cabin by himself, but his mother’s scent was growing stronger and edging him further. Soon he could see the big adult sitting all alone in what he later would learn was a park. Why was she sitting here all by herself? Why did she not love him anymore? Questions bubbled up in his mind, but the timid child stayed silent, unsure what to do now when he had finally found her. He took a few steps towards the female, but was not sure exactly what he wanted to do. To be honest, the little boy was slightly scared of the angry woman. She was his mother, but he remembered raised voices from his earliest days.

He tilted his ears slightly backwards and tucked his tail between his legs as he watched her eyes find him. Now when his mother knew he was here, what would happen next? The puppy only managed to stand there, completely frozen. Conor felt the need for his brother rush up. Emwe had been following him for a while, but he did not dare to turn around to see if he was still there.


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