Bury me, bury me
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Standing still his body swayed slightly as his legs urged him to sit as the hot sickness filled him, not the need to vomit but rather it seemed he was over heating as his head pounded from the strange woman's affects. Taking in a deep breath from his parted jaws felt nice even if it was for a moment as his ears flickered about from the strange feel in his stomach, his leg wobbled only the slightest as internal side of things were more bothersome and unseen. His lungs felt like they were on fire as the patterned male finally heard his leader come closer, raising up his red eyes he what's really sure why the two have ran into one another but either way it could help him. Why not talk to someone when you will be leaving, after the meeting things have happened to Leroy that now he must be somewhere else.

Looking at the smiling face of Naniko her words were almost slow to his ears which lead him to hold a blank,painful face for a second,closing his eyes the husky drew in another breath before speaking in a friendly but strained tone. "I've been better, much better then now.." Red eyes could have showed that there was much he wished to tell her, talk to her about but his legs were hurting so painfully from simply standing there as his world blurred from time to time."Can we sit..I don't feel so well, plus i kind of wanted to talk.."


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