Hi-ho Hi-ho it's off to work we go
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ooc: Apologies for the rambling. I tend to do that when creating a scenario. Perhaps Tokyo can find him while he's enjoying his discovery? Words: 612

A deep breathe escaped from the reddish brown male as he travelled along the southeastern edge of Berwick, enjoying the warm day. His green gaze wandered as he walked, his muscular arms swinging gently with each stride he took. He was not looking for anything in particular today. After all, he had been searching nonstop for the tools of his trade, with only the occasional success, every day since he had joined Dahlia de Mai. He needed a brief respite from his quest. That could wait for another, less pleasant day. However, despite having no intention to search for anything, Rath's gooseberry green gaze was drawn to an overgrown dirt path which led back through the forest to a small, beam and timber house. It reminded him of the log cabin he had grown up in. However, it was what was behind the small house that really caught his eye. It was an old barn, similar in appearance to the one on Haku's property, but shorted and longer in its construction. How had he missed this unique structure in his search? He had never seen this place, even though he lived only a few hundred yards away. Had he really been that oblivious every time he had searched through Berwick? However, he would have to scold himself later. At the moment, the ruddy hued male was far too interested as to what lay inside this newly discovered structure.

Everything about the barn, and even the little house next to it, looked as though it had been constructed by hand. Walking up to the thick wooden doors of the barn, Rath ran his hands over the worn, smooth surface. The doors stood about 8 feet high each and were both constructed of several individual pieces of wood held together by a system of interlocking joints. Eager to see what was inside the barn, the tall male pushed on the door. They wouldn't budge. The wood had swelled and warped slightly fixing the doors tightly in place, which he guessed was from years of exposure to the elements. However, the ruddy hued male came up with a solution. Stepping back a couple paces, Rath charged the doors. He thrust his shoulder into the doors producing a thunderous boom, as his muscular body struck the wood. After several noisy attempts, the muscular male managed to unlodge the double doors causing them both to swing open with a long, high pitched creak. He barely had time to contemplate the aching feeling in his shoulder before his eyes caught sight of the inner walls of the barn. His gooseberry green eyes widened in astonishment as they focused on the large wooden workbench wedged up against the wall. Above the workbench on hanging on hooks and sitting on shelves were several tools. There were several wooden mallets hanging from pegs on the wall, along with a set of chisels. On one of the shelves he saw two draw knives, one short and rounded the other long and straight. A large angled ruler and three saws of various sizes completed the list of tools he recognized. There were other, larger machines that littered the workshop which he did not recognize.

Rath was ecstatic to say the least. He had stumbled across an old human workshop, full of the tools of his trade. Had he not been so excited he probably would have kicked himself for not noticing this place sooner. The eager carpenter walked over to the workbench and began examining each tool individually. An overjoyed smile was plastered on the male's face, making him look like a young pup who had just received a gift of some sort.


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