buy me some beer goggles
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Lol! At least you're almost done with school!

He was glad that DaVinci knew where to find some more of the alcohol. Now that they were almost out the thought of not being able to drink anymore was upsetting. It gave him such a nice feeling and he wanted it intensified not to ebb away! The silvery hybrid got to his feet after handing him the bottle again. His grin became toothy as he saluted his uncle. "Yesssir!" Jade eyes watched as the older man disappeared down one of the city streets. Hopefully he'd make it back soon. Already Haven was missing his company.

Lifting the bottle to his lips once again he managed to drain the rest of it. The haze in his mind was getting pretty thick at this point and his limbs felt heavy and warm. A silly grin on his lips he rested his hands behind his head and closed his eyes for a few moments. What a wonderful feeling. But it wasn't long until a voice that was most definitely not DaVinci's broke through the silent air. His eyes opened lazily to take in the dress clad form of Ryan de le Poer. The boy's smile grew to show his pearly whites again. "Well hallo thar pretty miss! What brings you out on such a fiiine day?" He gave the coyote woman a quick hug as she settled next to him on the ground.

"Oh I've been alright." He was feeling too good to go into his girl and family problems. Jade orbs glimmered at the bottle she had set aside. "I see I'm not the only one partaking today." Once DaVinci returned they could have a grand old party!


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