Nothing is real ‘til it’s gone
[html]Nocht watched Phoenix and Ember silently from near the fire, where she warmed herself by the flames as she listened to him speak. It warmed her heart to see the affection and obvious dedication he had for not only his young daughter, but his family and pack as a whole. It made sense really; from what he had said to her when she had hovered on the borders they were one and the same to him. She had accepted them as her family as well and it hadn't been long until she'd been called to attention, dashing off to help in the search for the lost pup. The avalanche had shaken her too, unaccustomed to such huge levels of snow and the accompanying danger, but she pushed it down while she followed Phoenix's lead in searching for the young wolf instead. His elation when they were reunited made her smile, but she faded into the background as much as she could after that, only creeping forward to be near the fire. She noticed the wolf who had handed Ember over acting in much the same manner, as he stood silently at the back of the cave. She felt very much out of place, almost completely ignorant of those around her. She was only vaguely familiar with Phoenix and Deirdre and she took in the faces of the other new wolves as she accepted one of the blankets being passed around, smiling gratefully.

I think I'd very much like that. Nocht responded quietly to the alpha's suggestion. She didn't say anymore after that, not particularly hastening to draw attention to herself, but she was happy with the idea. It would give her a leg up in familiarizing herself with the others in her new pack and she didn't particularly feel like gallivanting around an alien land after a natural disaster. She pulled her blanket tighter around herself and shifted nearer the slightly shivering white pup sitting near her. There certainly were a number of them altogether, wasn't there, she thought as she cast her gaze around the cave.[/html]

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