Improper Methods
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Mew Sadira
Word Count: 406

As she stood there, quite relaxed, and answered all his questions, Mew realized that if it hadn't been for Lubomir, she might very well have fallen for the strange male in front of her, it not for the strange looks, then for him sharing her passion for music. Of course, this didn't make him a current candidate for her romantic affections, as Lubomir did exist, but it was still slightly quite humorous to think about. Likely she would have done nothing about it had she been single, out of fear for rejection. Much like she had delayed confessing her emotions for Lubomir long enough for him to disappear and reappear at her doorstep. She was an impossible woman at times - lecturing everyone on how to lead their lives while not being able to lead her own. That was in the past, however, and it would stay there; she had no plans to leave her mate, and her precious heart, behind. Never.

The male proclaimed that he had no further questions, and then promptly offered her another one, although it was directed at her own curiosity. Did she have something to ask? She certainly had a lot of things she was curious about regarding him, like whether he had any instruments with him, and whether he knew how to make the tools he needed if he was given the materials. She also wondered how he could play music on instruments without reading music - did he just pick it out of the air? Of course, Mew did improvise, but normally she needed or used something more solid as a base. That was the order of how she learnt things. With her voice, though, she was freer, and she often sang things she had never read nor heard before - perhaps that was how he did all his music. If so, she certainly admired him, as she had never been able to do this on an instrument, only with her voice. Tell me.. you say you don't read human notation? How do you play music then? I mean.. where do you get it from? Just.. improvisation?

Truly, if he was that skilled, she knew she had found herself a tutor. Perhaps he would be willing to teach her this technique on the guitar, in exchange for the knowledge on human notation? His mind was valuable, that much was obvious. She only wished she could have his knowledge.


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