Palisades! Palisades!
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Word Count: 477

His request to meet with someone of the pack was not ignored, and not long after his voice had fled from him and into the strange pack's lands a female appeared, her posture telling him she could be nothing but a highly ranked member. For a moment he stared at her as she approached, having never seen someone as strange as her. Indeed, she had a single feather in her mane, and for a moment he wondered whether she might have tribal connections, although he quickly discarded the notion. No tribe member, of his tribe or the general population he had ever known to populate the world in the same manners as AniWaya, had ever carried resemblance to the female that was approaching. She had markings that were quite unique, and if it was dye (he did have a bit of knowledge on the subject of dyes), he wondered how she made it stick to that raven fur of hers. The mixture would be interesting to learn, but this was not the time.

She stopped at a comfortable distance, and as she spoke he had his yellow gaze concentrated on her. It was a female, but he was not uncomfortable, and he was not nervous. His hands did not play with each other to pass the time as he thought of something to say - instead he was calm, focused. Something in him had changed. Her gender did not matter to him, he realized in a flash of thought, before giving his usual greeting. A red and gray neck bent to point his face towards the ground in a prolonged nod, eyes closed, lingering there for a moment or two before he lifted his head again to face her. As he did so, he matched her greeting - as custom was - with his own name and title. My name is Dawali Amara, Bone Bearer and sub-leader of AniWaya. Once his eyes were again level with hers he felt himself tensing - coming to the real point of things. A restlessness had settled in him since the encounter, and it refused to let go. I've come to warn your pack, the young in particular, of a loner who might aim at harming them. Perhaps she had already heard of him, but then he would still know he had done his duty. None had come to his lands to warn him, but that was not important. He knew what he needed to know now - it was only his duty to make sure everyone who needed protection were protected, AniWayan or not. His mother had knocked too much responsibility into him, that was for sure.

His gaze was dark, golden, as his serious face again split in two halves as he spoke, voice as dark as his message, and he hated uttering the name. His name is Brennt.


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