Push it
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words 309

She hated that everyone looked at her and treated her like she had real no clue what was going on, she was a child yes, but she was very smart. At least she thought she was. She believed she was the smartest one out of the litter, though only one treated her like that. She wasn’t going to let anyone push her around, and when mother came back for the pups that she left be hide, then she would make sure that she was one of the first one’s that was going to be picked. She would be at the top of her game on everything.

The voice called out to her sending a shiver down her spin as she twitched and her tan cream tipped ears slowly rolled back as she looked to the male that called her “kiddo” oh how she hated how that sounded, it was not something that she quite cared for. She scowled at him, as the words hissed out of her mouth. “Ich bin nicht kiddo, ich habe einen Namen Knöchel Kopf.” She wasn’t sure if the adult would get the idea, however she was going to stick to her guns about this. She had a name, her mother gave her a very fine name, and if he wanted to talk to her, or try to he was going to have to learn it. “Mein Name ist Avarice de Sadira” She pushed her head up high proud of her name, though really other then Cer, her mother and litter mates she had never meet another Sadira. Whatever, it was her name and the male was going to learn it. Though it would be much better if he learned how to talk to her in her native tongue first. She sighed knowing that with these adults she would have to take small steps first.

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