Trouble is all around
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She felt the monster’s teeth sink into her again, as she snarled holding onto the leg for dear life, if she was going to get hurt by the monster, the monster would bear a scar from where she fought the monster. She felt the release, but it wasn’t for long the monsters took her by her shoulders and tossed her to the side like yesterday’s trash, she couldn’t help but to yelp, god sake it had hurt, but the barking orders of the blue stripped female must have done something to make the monster shift into wolf. The child blinked as she slowly came up to putting her paws under her body, her side hurt from where she landed and did her shoulders but she wouldn’t let a shape shifting monster win this, and hurt one of her pack member..Even if she wasn’t planning on staying in the pack long.

Taking example off the powerful voice of the female the pup lowered her head, pushing the pain out of her mind as she snarled at the monster as she stepped back with a grunt lowering her head she squared it up with the monster leg and charged at him, maybe if she was lucky he would so fall over and then she could attack him like he attacked her. Nr. verletzen, Monster!

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