What could a little curiosity hurt?
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Rath nodded thankfully to the Lilium for giving him the axe. "Thank you, Haku, greatly appreciate it," he responded, his words holding a sincere tone of thanks. The shaggy wolf quickly realized that he would have to shift in order to carry the axe, or anything else he might find, back to his house in Berwick. So, closing his gooseberry green orbs, the reddish brown male focused intently on the change he was inducing in his body. Faint cracking noises could be heard as some of his bones rearranged themselves and the muscles beneath his skin rippled as they too moved around to their new places. His shaggy mane lengthened, and the white flecks on his fur became more pronounced white highlights as his unkempt mess of hair grew out from behind his head. In a matter of a minute or so, the ruddy hued male stood up to his full 7'3" height, stretching the slightly stiffened muscles in his arms and legs. His kinky hair hung every which way, as it usually did which forced him to pull it back and hold it in its usual ponytail while he looked for something in the barn to tie it up with. The flexible twigs and bark strips he had been using always failed once they dried out, often breaking at the most inopportune times.

He searched the inside of the mostly empty barn before stumbling upon an scrap of thin, frayed rope that appeared to have once been a chew toy for a mouse. It did not look to be incredibly strong, but Rath was not one to care about what he tied his hair up with. As long as it held it in place for awhile, the male would be satisfied. He tied the rope around his hair in as tight a knot he could manage. That task done, the muscular male turned around and snatched up his new axe from it's corner in the barn. Instinctively he gave it a few practice swings to test how it felt in his hands. He even ran his thumb gently over the blade to test the keenness of the edge. It was a magnificent find. Following Haku's advice, he turned to scan the confines of the barn for anymore tools hidden within it. The structure was quite empty unfortunately, and he found nothing of use.

Exiting the barn, Rath made his way to the cabin, as Haku had instructed him to do. Upon entering the house, the male rapped his hand on the doorpost, announcing his presence to the higher ranking member. He did not wish to intrude without Haku welcoming him in. That was part of the reason anyway. He knew the secui had told him to come to the cabin to continue searching, but at present he did not see the chocolate male anywhere. If Haku answered his knock, Rath would be able to find him. In the brief time he was waitng for Haku's response Rath scanned the interior of the cabin, his green gaze taking in as much of the homes structural details as they could from his present spot in the entryway. It was quite the elaborate home, with it's two floors and sturdy construction. The young carpenter was always seeking to gain new building ideas for when he engaged in hsi future projects.


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