All these Buildings & Mountains...
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Honoré was a sophisticated man. He considered himself to be a very important being; far too important to lead a primitive lifestyle like most canines. He did not hunt prey nor sleep outside like the average wolf. Instead of doing all of those things, the five-year-old often opted for simpler alternatives. He slept in a bed dotted with a therapeutic mattress, something he’d found in the city. Catching meals also required too much effort; hence why he did not hunt. The Québécois actually preferred canned goods from abandoned grocery stores. Needless to say, he considered Halifax to be a sacred place.

The Tenens was on his way back from the food store; he’d found a few cans of tuna and some beef jerky. Not the tastiest stuff out there but it would keep hunger at bay for a day or two. The trek from Halifax to Phoenix Valley did not take very long. He was about halfway there when he stumbled upon a young girl, a pretty little thing with stunning blue eyes and… a tube in her mouth. It was only when he glanced down at the other tubes that he finally understood what was in there. Paint. "Eille! Don’t do that,” he warned, eyes of metallic bronze widening exaggeratedly. "You don’t…no, eating paint is no good! Spit out! Go-go!”


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