you're taking one down

as they thank the lord

the blind can't see

I hope so, too, then. Not really. Andrezej could really care less whether the boy ever found his missing father, or if he starved to death or something, though dearest Faolin would certainly not allow that to happen. Whatever. He wasn't so much focused on this one's life than on what he was good for, and it was a good time to find out. Without giving away his own bloodlust, his preference for torture over life, his love of maiming and killing, he could possibly gauge Jesile's worth.

Do you like hunting? The question seemed entirely out of the blue, and really, it was the way it seemed; sprung from the mind of a child with wandering thought tendencies. There wasn't anything else to talk about, and while he was struggling to make proper conversation, he knew that keeping the topics coming was the best way to do it. It would keep Jesile talking, and might give him the chance to decide upon how useful the other coyote would be.


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