Palisades! Palisades!
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The white orbs considered the man before her. They saw the feathers first, and she wondered at their purpose. Her own was simply to let another know that she had killed in battle. It was a kill feather, the tip died red to represent the blood of the dead. Often one was tied within a mane for every kill, but the female knew that some saw her woad as ostentatious in a negative connotation to an extent that they became uncomfortable; thus she wore only a single kill feather with red thread made of the sinew, each round about the quill representing a kill. She looked now at the feathers within the male’s mane, but she did not think that they had the same connotation as her own ornamentation; perhaps later she could inquire as to what such a thing implied. With a light smile, the woman’s view pulled back, noting that he was a red wolf—a species that she did not often see. There was an obvious difference, but she thought that it was in a pleasant way.

His greeting was formal, as was befitting a leader of a pack. The woad marked warrior liked him immediately, and she gave a slight bow again as if knowing his name required a new greeting. As this Dawali Amara lifted his gaze, the woman met the yellow eyes, noting the tension that seemed to be held there. And she knew suddenly that there was some serious business. There was restlessness within him, and she wondered what made him so. Then he was speaking of a warning he bore, and her woad bound ears pricked forward, her senses now excited. Amara spoke of a loner that sought to harm the young, and for a moment the woman did not know of whom he spoke. The white orbs flickered with her momentary confusion, a soft white flame with curious tongues. Her gaze delved deeper into the golden eyes of the male as if seeking something more. The concern she saw there brought the name to mind.

Brennt. She thought it as he spoke it, the name echoing within the air like a curse. A soft smile flickered on her lips, but this time it seemed awry. An equally soft sigh escaped her jaws as she said, "I know of whom you speak," in that quiet alto that seemed untroubled. "I have met him several times, often with a battle in mind." And once to learn more deeply. The woad marked woman paused for a moment as she considered the Bone Bearer of AniWaya. At her shoulder the one eyed Raven clicked his beak, tilting his head to likewise consider the red wolf. "I have tried reasoning with the male, and yet I feel that he will not learn. His hunger is not of the body but of the mind, and it is difficult to alter the course of another’s mind." The warrior shifted her weight for a moment, and her body seemed to be impervious to the wounds that had rendered her idle a moon ago. "As Warrior, I am growing increasingly uncomfortable with Brennt’s presence; he does indeed pose a threat to the pups of Dahlia de Mai." And yet, the warrior was not willing to kill the perpetrating male for she did not necessarily see the fault in his character; she saw only the flaw of his presence near the packs. "What have you thought to do...?"


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