sometimes, the sun shines

indent No words could ever change what had been done. Ahren knew this as well as he knew that he would never see blue or yellow again. They were just things now, strange phrases no one could really explain. Perhaps the memories he had of the color were wrong, perhaps he was just mad, but everything seemed so beautiful if he pretended it was right. There were small things he held onto, and larger things he had to let go. She was never coming back. He had realized this long ago, and he hated himself for still loving her. She was gone, she was never coming back, Misery was right and Misery had always been right—
indent Stop it, a voice not unlike his own said coldly, barring those thoughts with an iron gate. The red-eyed man finally lifted his head and saw, with little surprise, that Laruku was on the porch. Ahren stopped in the snow, the flakes piling up on his thick hair, and for a long time said nothing. He couldn’t find the words to say.


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