you will find him here.
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The blank stare and shrug indicated to Onus that this rather odd conversation was indeed done with. It was for the best. His patience was wearing thin and he really should return to the city and rest. He was still quite weak from his injury. His shoulder throbbed and stung. It probably would have been smart to wear a sling to keep the movement of his left arm to a minimum, but that would have screamed weakness even more loudly. That was the last thing he wanted and it was a surefire way to get killed. So he would go back to Halifax and slink in the shadows there until he was healed, as much as it galled him.

Before he could leave though the clanman said a few more things. There was a flicker in his hidden dark eyes. Was this creature mocking him? Or was it more of his delirious crazy talk? It was more than obvious that he belonged to the very clan he was warning against and from the moment the encounter had started Onus had been almost certain that this was Hybrid. It took all of the man's self control to hold back from attacking. Having to let this male walk free was hard enough, but this was just extra salt in his wound. "Yes. Of course." He silently gritted his teeth while he turned to leave the madman.


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