Palisades! Palisades!
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The AniWayan subleader seemed unnerved; the warrior was quite calm herself, but she knew what was made in the hearts of those who hated and refused to understand what Brennt did; there was hate and fear and a need to rid the world of such a thing. But the follower of Nemain was not so sure; she was not sure whether what Brennt did was truly wrong, and perhaps that was why Brennt had remained alive. There had been many opportunities for the warrior to kill the wolf with a swift and sudden strike while she had been in his near proximity. But the warrior, who did not necessarily follow the ideals of this particular society, could not hate that creature. She did understand, however, the threat that he now seemed to pose for her pack; with the sudden influx of pups within Dahlia de Mai, she knew as a Warrior that she must move to protect them. And she knew also that at one point Brennt would be killed. And still the warrior was reluctant to destroy something so unique; she had never met anyone quite like that yellow-eyed predator before.

And the Dahlian Adonis nodded quietly. She knew that something must and would be done against that male. And Amara’s honest words made a quiet smile dance upon her lips. "I face the same obstacle; I know as you do that something must be done—but what is that “something”?" The alto melody danced lightly upon the air, contrasting to the male’s heavier mood. But the warrior could not express herself in extreme emotions (save for fear, but fear is the opiate of survival); perhaps the male would understand and not take the offense that others seemed to express. And then the woad warrior nodded again. "To tell the other packs of this creature is wise; with knowledge they too will be moved to act. The pups will need to be secured." The woman believed that the young were indeed the leaders of the future; while she herself could not bring herself to tolerate the young minds for long, she knew of their importance and would not disregard it. She was a protector but she was not a mother.

"Truly, I am not quite sure as to what must be done," the soft alto admitted openly. She did not have difficulty expressing that she did not know something, and she would not waste this leader’s time. For a moment she offered him only an apologetic smile. "I know, however, that if he will not change his ways, he will be killed, even if it is by my own hand. I will not tolerate his presence near Dahlia’s pups, nor that of any other pack. However, I cannot stop every incident, and so I believe that your move in telling the leaders is a wise move." The woman paused for a moment, her mind moving in the silence. "The easiest thing would be to kill him now," she said suddenly, "But I know that these lands would appreciate justice; perhaps it will be necessary to await the next incident, whether planned or not." By ‘planned’, the woman meant that it was a possibility to bait Brennt by using a pup, but she doubted that anyone would risk a young life.


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