you might wanna sing

as they thank the lord

the blind can't see

I can't smell him, he explained, I don't know where he went in. That might've been possible, but he knew he would have to stop justifying his case, or he'd find himself waist-deep into this territory before he had a chance to turn on the boy. Of course, his plan wasn't necessarily to attack, but if Merit knew too much, he might ask questions. It wouldn't do any good for his father to be Laruku while he was making stories up in his head to make his trespassing somewhat more righteous to the wolf, who deserved much less than his mask-assumed kindness.

Can we just walk for a bit? I might find his scent that way. He really wanted to find out what this territory held; was there a house here that the wolves stayed in? Where was the secret to their power? He wanted to find whatever it was they had hidden; a technology center, a pit of savages, a group of gypsy women, or anything else extraordinary. Perhaps they were simply a primitive village of spear-bearing wolves, or maybe they weren't even Luperci Ortus at all.

How amazing that would be.


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