Can music save your mortal soul?
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Really, it didn’t matter what Phoenix thought of Tamerlane. Whether they became best of friends or remained just casual acquaintances didn’t really matter. The wanderer was not the usual warm and cheery wolf that usually sought acceptance into Storm, but he stayed out of trouble so Phoenix didn’t press him to reveal more about himself. If the day ever came, however, that Phoenix ever discovered there was some dark secret behind the other wolf that put the rest of the pack in danger, he would expect all his questions to be answered or Tamerlane was out. For now, though, so long as the aloof wolf fulfilled his obligations to the pack, the alpha was content to live and let live.

That was, after all, the whole policy of Storm when it came to other wolves. So long as they were left alone they wouldn’t meddle in the affairs of others. It was sometimes a difficult price to pay, and it had cost Skoll dearly, but no Phoenix realized such policy protected them from the other hostile packs and clan. Live and let live. Such policy worked for other wolves, but if applied to prey creatures the pack would starve out. Phoenix was once again surprised by Tamerlane’s response. He didn’t expect the subordinate wolf to ask “How high?” when he told him to jump, but when asked to help the rest of the pack it was his obligation to comply. But Phoenix decided to pick his battles and opted not to upbraid him for such a response.

“If I wanna catch somethin’ big enough t’feed everyone, yeah,” he said. Though he had done it once before, it was usually not wise for a single wolf to charge a whole heard of deer. He’d paid the price for it afterwards, though thankfully he’d somehow managed to avoid breaking any bones. He didn’t feel like pushing his luck again today.

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