they whisper words into my ears.

Pitiful length? Big Grin Mine are too, then xDD

She didn't have her companion with her today, the usual little magpie that clung to her backpack, to keep her mind occupied, so she was (however grudgingly) forced to focus on him instead. Was he following? Did he even want to go any more? Why did she care about it so much? She didn't know the answer to any of those. Naniko had been a pack wolf of birth, but there had been times that she had considered a loner's life instead. She'd had other moments of weakness, as well. When the packs had merged, and her father had become the leader, she had almost joined with him, to help him. But that had been around the same time that she and Conri had warmed up to each other-her interest in him had outweighed her desire to gain a better rank.

The green eyed wolf felt hyperaware, now, listening to the sounds of their paws crunching on the snow, wondering if he was going to say anything. It was probably better if he didn't reply at all; she wasn't sure if she could think of an intelligable answer. She had a lot of things going through her head at once...but she had a problem with picking out the right words to say. When she was younger they'd called it a speech disorder. Trying to say too much, all at once. So now she tended to keep quiet, rather than open her mouth and embarrass herself. Adults weren't supposed to have speech problems.

He spoke, and she felt the urge to reply. "We can travel together without my liking you." Was she being rude? Perhaps. "Do not feel compelled to tell me your name if you do not want to. However..I feel fine with giving you mine. It's Naniko. Naniko D'angelo, from the Clouded Tears pack."

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