Yeah, it does

Flayra was happy to know that it was the right book. She might have to keep looking if it wasn't. Wouldn't that be a hard time for her. With a room full of books, she would have to get book after book into a pile that looked like it would say something about herbal medicines and go through them one by one. Wouldn't that be tiring and boring. She took another look at the shelved books while she was still on the ladder. She would be interested in about learning more about the Spanish, and the Russians, their culture and lifestyle, there historical legacies. They were just fascinating.

Finding no book about either of them, she climbed down the ladder with the herbal medical book in hand. She wanted to more about herbal medicines and cures. Naniko was kind enough to teach her, but Flayra would like to know more about them. When she reached the bottom, she walked to the railing and opened the book to find that there were a lot of herbal remedies. Amazing. She didn't know that there were that many. Hearing a voice directed at her, the girl looked to find an older male approaching her. A newcomer? Wonderful! "Hello to you too. I'm Flayra. Nice to meet ya." Maldrid? What a nice name for a male. "So, enjoying the lands and the... ah" she paused to look around the library with the many books. It was a huge collection, no doubt. "Books?"

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