There's nothing there, it's like eating air
Sorry for making you wait, I hope your job hunt goes better =) 300+

Brooklyn bristled slightly. Well, great, she was being told off again. It wasn't like she wasn't getting enough of that back home and now a stranger was telling her what to do. The white pup wasn't exactly sure how to respond to what he was saying. Truth be told, she wasn't entirely sure what he was saying. He was using what she thought of as adult speech, which was mostly gibberish to her ears. "I'm from Crimson Dreams, out exploring! My brother always goes out exploring and I thinks I should too. I'm braver than him anyways, so I don't need no protection. I can do what I want!" It couldn't exactly be denied that there was a certain charm about her conviction that she was invincible. Brooklyn liked the idea of co-operation between packs, but there was a time, she knew, when some things could never be forgiven. She wondered if pup transgression entered under those categories.

The girl pushed back her ears and tucked her tail between her legs somewhat when he assumed his position. Would he shout at her? With his throat clearing, there was almost no shadow of a doubt that he would. Brooklyn wasn't liking this one bit, not any more. She wasn't a spy, she was just an explorer! But this coyote seemed to think that she would be killed. The female looked around. Except for them, there was no one around. Would he call for their Lt General and she would be like Savina. She'd be really angry with Brooklyn and then tell Anu and Naniko and the white pup would be grounded for days. Abashed, she looked away from the coyote. "Why would they wants to kill me? I's not evil or mean. I don'ts want to steal your things. I just wants to see other packs." Brooklyn sniffled slightly. She wasn't about to cry, but still. She didn't exactly want to be killed or grounded, either. How did Haven stay out of trouble?


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