The power of the broom
wc: 693

She chuckled, shaking her head at him. Of course he could sneak the stuff out just this once. He could sneak it out whenever he wanted, or just dump it anywhere if he pleased. They were his lands! Maybe he had caught the irony in it, too. Maybe that was what the wink had been about. She'd never been too good at reading body language or the emotions on someone's face, and this instance made her wonder. Dawali was a peculiar fellow to begin with, a change from the usual, but it was a nice and refreshing change. Normally, the warrior visited family members or adopted family members...or old friends that she had known for a while. So she was used to them. The Gola Watsi was different. He was, of course, a good friend of hers as well...but he had an assortment of small mannerisms that always kept her wondering.

What was his life like before he had come to these lands? Back over the mountains, when she had lived in Storm, Ember had known almost every face. With the exception of Inferni members, maybe. But she didn't remember anyone from Dawali's original group living there, so they must have come from someplace completely different. It was luck that the dark wolf had become a member of Aniwaya to begin with--after Esper Hollow fell, she had become a loner for a short time and hadn't thought that she would be joining any other packs. But then, Aniwaya wasn't really a pack. Tayui had been the one to tell her about the group originally, and had said that she wanted to go there to live. Ember, devoted to her friend and past leader, had simply followed her there. She hadn't known too much about the group...just that Tayui was living there and that she wanted to be wherever Tayui was.

Many things had changed since those days, though. She felt different, less dependent on the white wolf and much more independent. She did visit Tay and watch over the pups in case they got into any trouble (which they were bound to do sooner or later; she only hoped to catch them at it), but she also did many things on her own without anyone.

Ah, so Dawali hadn't been to any cities. She nodded in understanding when he mentioned not liking them much. She went there for the books and to get different supplies, but other than that Ember tended to avoid them as well. Unless she was very, very bored. Normally there was always something new in the city, once you got past the smells and all the old scary human stuff. "I see. I go there for the books, and for other things that I like to dabble with in my spare time. It's not really fun if you're by yourself, but if you go with someone else it's not too bad. And I usually go in the daytime if I can; no telling what weird creatures hang around there at night. I can show you where this one is sometime. If you don't want to, though, that's cool too--I've got all the books I could want right now."

There were many human inventions that were useful, and the wolves had taken several of them and made them their own. Houses, fishing rods and nets...Ember used plenty of human items. "Well, now that Tayui's pups are a little older and don't need as much looking after, I can help you dig something out if you want. Maybe a central sort of thing that members could get food out of if they were ever sick or injured...or couldn't hunt, for some reason." It seemed that she would have more than one thing to show Dawali about this new territory that they were living in, as well. He hadn't been to the city or the castle! She took back her sword carefully from him, putting it in its sheath then looking back up. "You didn't run across any of those kinds of things on your travels, you said. Where did you come from, exactly? If you don't mind my askin', anyway."


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