Just what it was about this old coffee shop

ooc: Aww.
secretly falling apart

She hadn't been able to get much sleep last night, curled up against Faolin. It wasn't because she was cold, Faolin had built a big fire, but because she was excited. She'd known that she would be coming to Clouded Tears today, to try and find him. She'd had such a good time the day before, laughing at the jokes he had made about their tails, and about their accents. Thinking about it made her feel warmer, like there was some kind of invisible shield around her that kept all the bad things out. The cold wind, the thoughts of where her mother might be--those things were miles away.

This land was strange. Empusa had never been here before, and hadn't known about the mists. What would it be like to walk through them? Did they hurt? She felt like she knew nothing, sometimes; surely Beppe knew all about the fog, because he lived here. She felt sad that she wouldn't be able to show him Inferni. Maybe when they were a bit bigger she could--because then, if they got caught, she would be more able to defend herself. She thought these things over as she waited, red eyes focusing on the fog that loomed in big, poofy clouds before her.

And then, something moving. She immediately stood up, taking a few steps backwards, slipping, and landing in a sitting position. It hadn't hurt her; in fact, it had made her even more awake. She looked worriedly at the cloud as it changed, turning into something darker. Something...or someone, really, that she knew. Her posture immediately changed when she saw him, goig from a straight-backed sitting position to a standing one once more, her tail low, waving back and forth. She would show that he was more dominant than she here, for these were his packlands. He came closer, and, in a spray of snow, stopped before her. He spoke first, saying something that made her laugh; he had such a silly way of talking! He was still talking about their tails, a shared joke between them.

"Oui, my tail and I made it back just fine. I have told Mama that I will not be back until much later, and that I will likely be gone all day" Their little rendezvous wouldn't be discovered, because Clouded Tears was the last place anyone would expect a coyote to want to go. "I cannot imitate you, Beppe--ze way you speak. I do not have ze...knack for it. If you were to teach me, though, I may be able to speak some of your words. I am allowed inside to play?" She felt a little nervous about crossing the borderline, despite the fact that her smiling friend was standing on the other side.


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