Unknowing Trespasser
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Dahlia de Mai had grown in size; the pack was home to seven puppies now. And all of them had basically appeared out of nowhere, aside from the Lillium’s two sons. Never would she have expected to care for so many children. Well, she didn't really have to care for them all since Cercelee acted as the primary guardian for her distant cousins, and she was doing great. Conor and Emwe were the ones demanding most of Lexey's attention. Their mother had been expelled from Dahlia de Mai just recently; only their father remained. And Haku was far from a good parent.

Lexey had been spending some quality time with the boys when an unfamiliar smell had reached her nostrils, coaxing her away from them. Haku was still holed up in his cabin, but she found comfort in the fact that he was close by if she ever needed his assistance. The stranger's scent was strong; he had obviously disregarded the clearly defined borders and ventured deep into claimed territory. Although she hadn’t encountered anyone from Inferni in over six months, their stench was unmistakable. Both of her ears were laid flat against her skull as worry washed over her like never before.

Alexey feared an ambush. It was unlikely that a clan member would simply waltz into enemy lands without a plan. They were far too wise for that. Needless to say, she definitely hadn’t expected to stumble upon a helpless-looking male and his little red wagon. The Acer’s jaw dropped open. Golden-colored orbs watched him skeptically, confusion written all over her face. Was this some kind of joke? “Inferni,” she hissed through clenched teeth, loud enough for him to hear. One of her hands unconsciously went to the arrow wound on her shoulder, a souvenir from the Dahlian – Inferni war. "What are you doing here, boy?"


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