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Ooc: Who knew? Another DaVinci/Catherine thread! That probably won't end good XD

Catherine was thrilled by Seymour's actions. The falcon had never acted that weird, as she rose the bird herself, since its birth, at Halifax. The grayish woman was riding Bluma, her cream mare, without any care of where she was, wandering through these unknown lands. From where she could record, she had never been here. It was good to learn more about everything, she always thought. Now, it seemed like it wasn't that good to the bird of prey.

Soon enough, her only eye met the body of someone she wished never meet again. DaVinci. It was like it was yesterday that she met this bitter soul, in the boarders of AniWaya, looking for the missing kid. Until now, she couldn't know if he found her. However, it had been a bad moment for her. That anger hadn't fade away still, and that wasn't good for either. Not too late, she saw a black vult, a raven, floating around her personal discomfort. It crowed, and cawed, and flew around, the wolfess emerald eye couldn't follow it completely. That blind spot, that eternal wound was very annoying in cases like that.

She couldn't get all his blabing, as it was too quick for her. Seymour was always so calm that it was easier to understand him. With a light kick on the horse's tighs, she got there in a slow trotte. She looked at the hybrid's face with a reluctant glare, than a curious one at the black bird to her own. The male would reconize him. Not that she cared about it. The peregrine falcon landed, a bit agitated, on the owner's covered shoulder, jumping and harshing lowly to the other bird.

Hello, she said simply to the male, not looking at him. What is the matter with this bird?, she would have figured that out by herself, if the raven wasn't so pertubated. When she looked down, a disgusted grasp came out roughly throuh her throat. There was dead bodies all around, repulsively thrown around, blood all over the place, rotting. 'What in the world?!' she thought, spinning her head around to have a good perspective. A chill ran through her body.Yeui! That's all she could say right now. Who could have done such a thing?! That was grose! Part of her body wondered why she hadn't see it before, or even smelt. Deep inside, she knew it would take almost a week for her to sleep again.


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