Change the system, break the shape

While she did her best to hide it, he could tell that she was shocked at the size of his wound. It was probably one of the worst he had ever gotten, aside from what his mother had inflicted on him as a child. She had bit him many times while Corvus had only sunk his teeth into him once. Though what had most likely made the wound so bad was pulling himself from the other man's jaws. There had been no other choice though. It was that or succumb to that demon which in Onus' mind was no option at all. It also had been the difference from dying right there and dying where he would have if Cwmfen hadn't found him. But he had been lucky and she had.

"Will be fine. Worst is over." His jugular had been stitched up and he had been able to avoid getting an infection. Now he just needed to wait for the healing process to complete itself. The prospect of having to wait so long to be useful again wasn't appealing, but he knew that he had to. As much as it might have displeased him he was no idiot. The scum would still be scum when he was back on his feet again.

The man looked with her about their surroundings. "Not right here. Deeper inside the city." Right now they were on the very outskirts of Halifax. That was at least one good thing about keeping himself cooped up in the city, was there was plenty of it to explore. "This is a university." He wondered if she knew what that was. If not he could explain.


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