Just what it was about this old coffee shop
And the sun will set for you

So this was to be a full day engagement. The coyote was a cunning little thing, getting away with the excuses that she had used. Even if he used an excuse so innocuous, Beppe's mother would see right through him and leaf effortlessly through the boy's true motives. He wouldn't dream of telling Maria anything less than the whole truth; the punishment would be harsher that way. The Italians knew that the only way to really get through to a disobedient pup was to make their voices louder and louder, and the older Italian was a pro at that game.

Though Beppe considered himself an expert at being a general goof (it just came naturally) he always thought that other young ones liked to imitate others as well. He had found it was the best way to annoy an adult, at least, though he had only had the chance for a few trials before it was just him and his parents on their own. The boy studied Empusa with his deep chestnut eyes, and stepped aside as if to welcome her in. "Si, but we will stay around the outside because I am new and know not very well the rules." Smiling, he looked off into the distance before saying, "Si, it means yes. And what I have said before, mamma mia, it is something that we say when we are surprised. Ciao is like hello in English. But do not say it to someone who is higher than you. It is, how do you say.. for friends and your family."

He started to walk a little deeper into Clouded Tears, still skirting the border. An Inferni member's presence didn't make him feel nervous, but he was vaguely aware that perhaps she was not welcome there. Especially if she was not telling anyone she was there. Perhaps there was a rift between the two packs, or perhaps, species.

Beppe had never thought of himself as a teacher, but he fancied the potential control he would have. It was nice to share a bit about home with as well, especially to someone who was young like him. The only other he knew about that spoke Italian was his mother, and Beppe wanted to branch out and make new friends. His English was not too good, and it was Empusa's second as well, so he sought common ground with her. "Perhaps, you could teach to me some French as well, so I can do more than my silly accent. Oui oui?" He laughed; that was basically the extent of French that he knew. He had never visited France, at least that he remembered, but there had been a couple of crewmembers on board that had gabbled the language at each other. "I will tell to you a word in Italian and you will teach me the same word in French? I think this is a good idea." He laughed a little again, more in the wake of her presence than anything that was actually funny. His eyebrows lifted and he kept his eyes on her for a few moments more. Today would be a good day.


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