the warmest part of the winter - p mati

There was something, a thought that held his attention. Mati knew well enough that the light wind that caught the fresh blades of grass was not what he dwelled upon. She couldn’t help but wonder what it was that he thought, wanted to know what held his mind. Never had her curiosity be so demanding. It pulled her closer, though her body kept absolutely still. There was distance between the two, but she still felt a closeness to him. It held her attention as solidly as the mystery that lay beyond his eyes, a wonder of why and how it had been planting in her mind.

His words were changed, and to the female they came with only half a meaning. Like something was missing from them. His smile nothing but a shadow on his lips. He continued to speak while Mati sat in silence, attempting to understand everything that had happened and the sudden feeling that washed over her. Unable to put a word to it, she tried to ignore it, and took the wink and allowed herself to smile again at him. There was no apparition of a grin on her maw. Lips curved fully and she sat with her back strait, the feeling just as different as the action of crossing her legs and clenching her fist.

I hoped you’d visit again. Mati admitted, though she didn’t know why she let the secret out before thinking it over in her mind as she had all her other words. She also wasn’t sure why she wanted him to come and see her, all things had been pleasant at their first meeting, but she had been so young that the memory was like a faded dream. Only certain moments were still held clearly in her mind. Embarrassed, she tried to gather the confidence that she would normally posses. It didn’t seem to fit in this body, not quiet yet. I assure you there is much more to see… She spoke as she thought of all the other things the other wolves he could have run into, the list was so long and consisted of everything other then her awkward moment.


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