the warmest part of the winter - p mati

It was best if they thought about something else, something that wouldn’t focus on what had just happened. She would rather begin to learn more about him, that nagging curiosity poking at her mind once again. But as she watched him, she learned things that he would never even know to tell her. Even with the most intrusive questions he would never speak that he held a sort of nervousness, tension that lay in the lines of his arms and shoulders. Something that weighted on him and kept his mind working beyond his control. He could never say that he moved his brow in a way that brought his words, how ever small and none descriptive, much more meaning. It brought them a lightness, to a moment that might have been heavy and overpowering for the younger female. Though they were all just the things Mati saw, just things that caught her eye and rang in her head. Perhaps it was truth, but perhaps it was her imagination.

She gave him a nod in response, her smile remaining on her face as violet eyes looked at him. About to explain where he would find the manor, or the lake he extended his hand to her. His words inviting him to go with her. For a moment she questioned if he had been there for her change, but she was sure he remembered that she had brand new legs. Her smile left, and she could only watch him. Mati wanted to, wanted to go with him more then anything and with an eagerness that made her question herself at once. Frightened that he wouldn’t wait for her hesitation she took his hand, clasping fingers around it and moved her legs beneath her frame more gracefully then she could have imagined. Taking to her paws, the girl felt taller then ever before. She almost stood eye to eye to the male, and again she let herself smile. Balance drifting she quickly clung to his arm, before finding it once again.

Sure. Was all she could say, half sarcastic while also whiling at the same moment.


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