as tomorrow fades away
Firefly wasn't impressed to be called back to the shore by another that she didn't know. She listened because she figured that word would get back to the masses if she misbehaved and so she'd rather keep out of sight and out of mind than cause a stir. She waited before the other woman who was unusually beautiful as she seemed to fumble for the words that were needed to strike up a conversation. She held her breath a moment as the other woman finally seemed to get a grip on herself, though it made Firefly wonder just what her problem was.

When the words finally flowed into the air between them Firefly nodded quietly a moment before she finally gave in and let the woman know her name. It wasn't like it wasn't going to be long before she heard the stories anyways. "I'm Firefly Sadira, and I've been here way to long.." So long now that she was almost ready to give up the ghost of the pack and move on. She lingered in limbo for her own silly notions and though getting to say her goodbyes to the boys was enough reason for her to stay for the moment if she wasn't granted that little bit she knew she would just pass out of their lives like a spirit and let them belong to the pack like the pack wanted it to be.

Her own thoughts were interrupted by a sour note the woman spoke of, Firefly's eyes flashed as she couldn't help the slight growl that rose in her voice. She shook her head at the words of the woman and laughed bitterly. "I wasn't turned away exactly. I was believed to be too much of a bitter soul for their cheery celebration." She lowered her fierce gaze and kicked at a stick that the bay had washed ashore as she spat. "I would have never shown if it wasn't for my puppies." She slowly let her gaze rise back towards the distant village where Haku's cabin lay and where her two boys were probably playing with the pupsitter who seemed overjoyed to have the two figures in her life while Firefly's heart grew bitter for losing them to the pack.

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