breathe in
OK. I just watched Mulan last night, which is why my reply is the way it is XD

Geneva's brow furrowed briefly as she heard the girl speak for the first time. Her voice was accented, although the accent didn't disguise her words. She was able to understand the dark colored female well enough. However, the Locum experienced a twinge of recognition upon hearing Miriette speak, which was something she wouldn't have expected. She knew for certain that she had never met the girl before; Geneva would have remembered such an encounter. She searched the corners of her mind before smiling in understanding. Miriette had an accent that was somewhat similar to Honore's.

The girl seemed troubled and embarrassed. Geneva remembered a time, not so long ago, when she had felt the same way. She felt as though she had fumbled with her words, and would have rather avoided any contact possible. But she had been lucky in her experiences with pack life. She had been gifted with meeting interesting individuals and making fast friends. The gray woman saw an opportunity to replicate such kindness.

"It is nice to meet you Miriette. My name is Geneva, the Locum of this pack. If you need help with anything, please ask me." Geneva was naturally soft spoken, but she worked to add some volume to her usually thin voice. She wanted this newcomer to feel welcome. She was certainly welcome here, as far as Geneva was concerned. She had no sense of smell to speak of, and couldn't discern who Miriette had already met from scent. But it seemed as though this girl was still getting comfortable with the pack land. Geneva could help if she could.

Her lime green eyes wandered to rest on the rope dangling in the dark girl's hands. She stared at it ponderously for a moment before her eyes trailed back to the tree before them. "May I?" she asked, approaching the girl and resting her own hands on the length of rope. She waited for a moment, then took it into her hands and walked to stand at the base of the tree. After a moment's deliberation, she tossed one end of the rope around the trunk of the tree and caught it in her free hand. After she had created a semi circle of rope around the tree, she held both ends. Her ears flicked back briefly and then she braced her foot against the trunk of the tree before she took another step with her other foot.

She repeated the process until she had moved perhaps three feet off of the ground. Then she climbed down gingerly, carefully, mindful of the fact that she had been injured only a short time before. It was not an experience she wished to repeat any time soon. When her feet returned to the ground, she unwrapped the trunk of the tree and pressed the length of rope into Miriette's hands. "Maybe you can try this."

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