it should have stayed unreal
Word Count: 500

im buchstaben

          Giving her head a classic cute puppy tilt, Catalyst for a moment tried to comprehend what Slay noted about the flowers being food for another species. "'Wrabbit food. Rabbit food." The young female said finally, thoughtful for a second, but looking up to Slay with a small smile spread on her maw. Correcting her childish slur, even while German was her native language (and would of course always be her first language to speak), coming here she tried to relate to the adults even while she was more comfortable speaking in her native tongue, for none of them even knew a lick of German from what was heard so far. "Rabbit food! No'h good, 's like th' meats... anyway!" She said, beaming up at Slay with her small smile when she heard his chuckle, and decided to agree that rabbit food wasn't meant to be Luperci or canine food in the least.

          When Slay heeded to be careful around the flowers, for honeybees were on the constant buzz, Catalyst did her best to try and follow each and every word that dropped from his jaws as if every word meant life or death. It took her a second to put the sentence together, when Slay motioned his nose past one of the buzzing bees. "Oh." She simply stated, watching as that very honeybee settled on some violet flowers not too far away from the pair. Lifting an ivory paw (and unknowing of the real danger they possessed), Catalyst tried to swipe at the bee, in which it immediately took off from the flower and buzzed elsewhere, fortunately. Looking to Slay again, she smiled. "Honigbiene." Said with a nod. "Honigbiene. Honeybee. In Deutsch!" For one thing, Catalyst loved to share her heritage, and since the adults spoke all this English, perhaps Catalyst wanted them to get a little familiar with German too, just so they could perhaps have an easier time identifying with not only herself, but with her siblings too. With Slay getting acquaited with the de Sadira batch, Catalyst was curious to know if perhaps her other siblings had tried to teach Slay some choice words in German. Even though he was still a wary figure to her in general, for Slay to learn German would be a much easier ordeal for Catalyst to be confident with him, for sharing a native language in some cases could mean you were instantly family, just by the language itself.

          With the explanation of grapes and the list of fruits that came after, there were two that she knew immediately, and in her own excitement she hopped on her paws. "Raspberries, blueberries!" Apples weren't familiar with her yet, but fruits such as berries and citrus fruits were supposed to be big export items from the homeland Germany herself. "Wissen sie... apricots, peaches?" The topic of fruit seemed to interest her greatly at the moment, although Catalyst couldn't explain why. Perhaps it was just that random curiosity of the world that puppies had!


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