light up the sky
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She would try her best not to call him little anymore, but she couldn't make any promises. It was just a term of endearment for her and Apollo was very dear to her. "Farò mio meglio ricordare ciò ora, ma lei dovrà perdonare se non ricordo sempre," she said ruffling his hair. There would always be that small part in her mind where he was still the quiet pup that she had met on her arrival in Twilight Vale. She remembered playing hide-n-seek with him and Sirius and then their Italian lessons together. It made her feel accomplished to have passed that skill onto him. It might not have been the most useful skill, but it was something that she cared about and since he had kept up with it apparently he did as well.

Savina had expected no other reaction. After all, she hadn't even been pregnant when he had left, Kansas' and her mateship had still been fairly new. The woman beamed, unable to hide her pride. "Sì, la ringrazia. Stupisce alquanto." Thankfully he really hadn't missed much of this new chapter in her life. "È solo è riguardato un mese poiché erano nato. Lei deve promettere di venirli vede! Due ragazze ed il ragazzo, ama appena i rifiuti ero nato in." Perhaps it was in the Marino genes to bear pups in such numbers.

"Così dove lei è corso via a questo tempo, quest'hm?" Her fingers combed through his mane, working out the tangles.


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