it should have stayed unreal

aus buchstaben heraus

Haha thanks, i'm surprised she's taking things so well with Slay so far, and he's being so tolerable! <3 And thank you so much for pointing that out! I didn't even realize it since i'm working off of Safari from a MacBook, and I didn't realize it looked so big in Firefox! O_x I fixed it, so it should look normal now. Let me know if anything still looks out of place. ^^ Word Count: 439

im buchstaben

          Catalyst blinked profusely at first when Slay restated nein in his initial language, but then the stub of her fuzzy white tail began wagging fervently at this, a smile spreading widely on her ivory muzzle, but nothing that was too wide. Slay said it perfect, without the lavishing accent of course, but it was certainly good enough. Catalyst nodded eagerly in reply, her gesture to him with being correct with his pronunciation. It was amazing to see that Slay had began picking out words from what the pups have spoken, and started applying them to his own sentences. That in itself amazed Catalyst, and so wanted to push forth even more with this little lesson in German.

          He then proceeded to sound out how to say honeybee in German, which at first with his broken repeat of the word made her slightly giggle at this. Even though it was funny at first, Slay was actually doing a good job of sounding out German phrases (at least from what Catalyst heard, he was doing better than thought of). "Ja! Yeah!" Catalyst gave the opposite of nein, wondering if he would be able to pick up on that one too (it was fairly self explanatory, it sounded like a deep and drawn "Yah!"). Now that Slay could identify with honeybee, Catalyst felt a little connection beginning to form between the two. Suddenly, however, a much larger buzzing thing zoomed by, its buzzing deep and fast. Catalyst jumped at this, and ducked her head as a hummingbird also made an appearance by the two. It lingered by near flowers, in which, wide-eyed, Catalyst couldn't help but gawk at. She never seen such a creature before, in the manner that it moved like lightning. Her dual gaze exchanged between the hummingbird and Slay. "Wha.... wha' that?" She asked in English.

          By how she was worked up, and how Slay looked like he was just as worked up, well, this only made her even more excited to talk about the topic of fruit. As Slay exclaimed peaches, oranges, and blackberries, there was all but one she knew of. When he asked her what kind of food she liked, she was puzzled to hear about these... bugs, was it? Catalyst didn't know the official names for the other bugs, but honigbiene was an indicator that he was probably talking about something closely related to those. She stood there, thinking for a second, and then shook her head. "Eat... bugs? No, don' eat... honeybees. But... ihr hoig. Honig... of... honigbiene." Catalyst wasn't sure on how to explain honey, but maybe Slay could put the correlation together?

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