Palisades! Palisades!
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No, it’s an actual raven that you can see, ^=^ It’s not really a pet—it came to her after the Long Nights when she discovered her dream animal, but normally dream animals don’t become epitomized in anyway; it’s just part of the plot between Cwmfen and Corvus, ^=^;; Sorry for the confusion~

A soft smile flickered across her maw as the male spoke. Of course, she thought to herself. But she was a warrior before a diplomat, if she were even able to call herself that, and so often such thoughts escaped her. "Of course, that would be wise," the alto tones agreed immediately. "This matter will effect them all. However, I will not cease to do what must be done should that event arise." When Cercelee had asked her to step up to the position of Adonis, she began to make the effort to understand such formalities with which she was unfamiliar. And so she had grown, but there was still much that she could not yet retain, especially because they clashed with her own martial instincts. However, she never did anything rash, and she knew that Cercelee could be that true politician, as was expected of a leader. She could simply offer her own view of whatever matter was at hand.

The woman watched for a moment the bird on the other’s shoulder. It was smaller than the Raven, but she sensed a fierce demeanor from that companion. It contrasted greatly with the Raven, who seemed to carry an unnatural distance about him, even with herself. Briefly, the white orbs flickered to the Raven upon her shoulder, but he was not watching the other bird. That single eye was riveted upon the red wolf before them both. Dawali spoke again, but it was not a question. The statement did not need answering, and the woman was silent for a moment before spoke, but the nature of that silence was indiscernible.

"Yes. He’s quite a strange creature," the soft melody replied at length. The white orbs held the golden gaze of the AniWayan, not awkward or timid in any manner as she spoke. "I first encountered him several moons ago; he seemed to be a nice creature, and I think deep down he is. But he misunderstood my gesture of kindness and tried to mount me, which did not go over well." The woman smiled slightly, her ill attempts at humor a failure. "I sought him again when he attacked on of my pack members, and I tried to show him that there could be other ways of feeding that did not require pups. But it must be some sort of psychological thing from his past." The woman fell silent, finishing her tale. And she did not share with this male that she had allowed the predator to mate with her, for that was a personal matter, one that she did not believe to be a necessary or significant factor. It would not affect her decision because it did not bind her to him in anyway; she had merely been curious of the creature, and that was her way of ‘knowing’ another.

"I know justice," the woman said suddenly, "But it may not be the same as the laws which bind this land...." Truly, the woman did not know whether this were a good or bad thing.


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