My puddle of shit

It was typical Sankor reasoning, trying to pick apart her logical fallacies. Often times, when she was of a more stable state, it worked. How could she know what he did or did not want if she never asked him? Today though, it wasn’t in the cards. She wouldn’t take his words at face value or even consider them long enough to see the reason in them. Adelaida wouldn’t consider her past fights with Alexey, ones that had blown over easily enough and left neither of the competitors worse for the wear. This time was different, Adeladia knew that much. This time they had both crossed lines that they couldn’t just jump back across. And why couldn’t Sankor see it?

“She doesn’t want to make up.” Her breathing was fast and shallow, in came only after some internal struggle. “She doesn’t want me anymore… S-She doesn’t need me.” It was a hard thing to admit, not needing one another. In the Koios family that was blasphemy. They had always relied heavily on one another. Always sought each other out in good times and bad. And now? Adelaida felt lost, feeling as if she was not needed when she herself needed Alexey more than ever. It just didn’t seem fair.

Sad and sullen eyes moved away from Sankor, not even wishing to look at him as the words tumbled out of her mouth. “If you wanted me there… in Dahlia… where have you been? Why haven’t I seen you around? Why have I spent so many days alone, unable to find you and with Lexey not even wanting to t-talk with me?” Maybe Adelaida hadn’t tried hard enough to seek out her brother, but he hadn’t tried at all. Cwmfen, the black warrior who had admitted them, took most the blame in Adelaida’s mind and she always would perhaps, even if the male hadn’t spent any time with her at all. Someone had to take the blame, and she, even as upset as she was, would only place so much on Sankor. She might say one thing, but Adelaida felt another. She loved her siblings, even if she couldn’t say it.


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