Gonna go Home

Adelaida watched her sister, suspiciously. Adelaida had made it up in her mind that they were through with each other, or at least that Alexey was through with her. After the last two confrontations the masked female had lost any hope of reconciliation, and letting Sankor see her in the pathetic state she had been in made her feel even worse. It had been after he left her in the shack, by herself removed of the collection of bottles she had painstakingly acquired, she decided to leave. What made her come back to Dahlia de Mai at all before setting off, she wasn’t sure, but here she was without answers once more.

“W-what?” Her voice shook and her eyes blinked. Alexey’s words had been what she wanted to hear for so long but now it seemed to late. Did she mean them even? Adelaida was ready for something crueler to follow, though that was not Alexey’s way. Still, it was always best to be prepared for the worse. She remembered vividly Alexey questioning her why she had come here at all, what she would do now that Alexey was back home. Adelaida hadn’t a good answer then, she didn’t have one now, and she wondered if Alexey remembered that. The words she had said then so contradicting to what she was saying now.

It occurred to her then that perhaps Alexey was only feeling a flood of guilt. Perhaps her sibling had realized that they both had been awful and that was unacceptable, but maybe she didn’t really want the reconciliation. Maybe Alexey did realize that Ade didn’t fit into her life anymore, they couldn’t be the best friends they once were. And Adelaida wasn’t going to let Alexey just apologize to alleviate guilt or make Fyodor proud or anything of that manner. She would give her sister an easy out.
“It’s okay Alexey… really. I never meant to hurt y-you either but… I don’t belong here and you don’t really want m-me here… I don’t fit in here a-an-anymore.” She meant that maybe she just didn’t fit in with Alexey anymore.


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