In the skies, mysteries in a summer storm

Ooc: W.C.: 500+5 XD

Catherine couldn't grasp what was the male's thing. He had something in those ferous eyes, in that tenebrous laugh, which made the reddish mane that went down her spine rose up. That was something wrong with him. Besides that, he was just... excentric. Or a psycho. Never mind that, he was weird. Not like her, the grayish female was just weird outterly speaking. Him, in other hand, was weird both innerly and outterly. His pelt, similar to a raven's, wasn't as strange as her was.

Her colors weren't so harmonical. Mostly because of herfather. She remember he was very weird looking. He was a mix of bronze and silver, with a glowing, long fur, and his mane were litterly made out of gold. His eyes were similar to a cat's, but the color of those were... violet. Completely out of place.

Details apart, they were two strange creatures, with a mare that seemed a bit different herself. Almost a comedy scene. The three weirdos. The wolfess laughed inside, with those thoughts. He spoke, shaking her funny thinkings, and forcing her back to reality. She wish he hadn't. His first comment barely bothered her. Those fences, from what she experienced, only were useful on keeping the horses and the preys inside. No biggy. It was his other phrase that made her chocked and completely ingant. Virus?!? 'Who the hell he thinks he is?! she thought, enraged.

The woman felt a twinge, in the deeps on her brain. She almost heard the click in her head when she recalled of that poking feeling, right before she entered in Berseker. Her hands formed fists, to control the impulse to jump on his throath and rip it off. Swallowing her anger, she took a deep -but forced and noisy- breath, and calmed down. It was for those situations she trained so much to control her "behaviour issue". She couldn't attack him, don't matter how much the monster inside her mind wanted to.

Still affected by the surge of adrenaline in her veins -which made her breathing light and fast, her body a bit numb, her throath dryed up and light-headed-, she heard his laughter again, which rose up her spine fur again. It, somehow, helped her to think straight. Forcing a gentle smile -she doubted if the Secui male would see. If he did, it didn't look fake-, she said, with a -fake again- warm voice. Would-, her voice broke. Would you mind to join me? she finally said, faking the tender voice nearly to perfection. She could make a living at it. With one hand, she tapped the ground besides her a few times, and lay in the grass again, trying to remember the constellations she already made.

She noticed the horse rise up slowly, still aware of the possible black predator, and started to meal at the wet, tall grass. The grayish female looked at it, surprised, but sighed, irritated. If the horse wasn't that tired, both of them could have be home, avoiding that rude person.


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