Today Seems Brighter
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^^ [WC: 301]

As the female lowered herself down to puppy-level, mismatched red and gold eyes never left the blue markings, a small black tail wagging excitedly. This was so exciting.. just wait until the others heard! Of course, they would probably say that she was telling tales, or fibbing for attention, but such was simply untrue! Catharsis never made anything up like that! It was all real, yes, it was very real. And even if she did sometimes exaggerate... This female was amazing, incredible, simply divine! Such patterns! Even on other animals whose fur was patterned, Catharsis had never seen such a colour, or such intricate patterns. Those bright, asymmetrical eyes stared, even as the pup knew it was not polite to do so. There was a secret to this, something she neither knew nor understood. She must find out! But how? The female did not understand what she was saying! That might be a problem.

When she heard the female's name, it was as thrilling as the odd adornments. What a fabulous name! Why did Catharsis not have such a wonderous name? "Hullo, Koom-vun nik Gray-uhn! Pleaz-urr meet yous! Name pretty!" came the excited squeal of a reply. Catharsis tried to mimick the position of the female, down on her belly, but found that she was again much lower than her new idol. She sprang back up, as if on springs, and bounced around the female in the same fashion, looking at all the different patterns. There was even some red! "Blue," she tried to explain. "Blue fur. Want.. pretty! Give blue? Pleaseee?!" This request was punctuated with a pleading look, almost a pout, that curled up involuntarily into a grin that could not be helped. Catharsis was sure that she would get pretty fur, too, if only she asked nicely enough.



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