I was goin’ nowhere fast
No time for a table!

Phoenix had never before considered the idea of having artwork permanently etched into his skin, though he had seen plenty of other wolves with them by now. He wondered if something like that would be painful, though he was not intimidated by any discomfort this might entail. Would that area of his skin be more vulnerable to the elements without fur to protect it? He hadn't really thought this through, but now that he had started the train running he wasn't about to turn back. This was not totally uncharacteristic of him--though he prefered to think things through most of the time, he was not immune from making spur of the moment impulsive decissions.

However, for all the questions he had, he knew exactly what he wanted. He was the alpha of a pack, and though that role did not stroke his ego, he did want something to make his connection to that pack visible for all to see. He loved his home, since it had taken him in and given him a life, and he wanted to display his pride. "I don't want anythin' too big. You ever see Storm's symbol?" he asked as he began following her towards her cave. "'S kindoffa lightning-bolt thing... I could try drawin' it for you in th' ground 'fore we start. 'S mostly yellow... " He certainly hoped she "still had it in her." Though he wasn't vain, nobody would be comfortable with the concept of having a milformed blotch on a prominent part of their body for the rest of their life.

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