Loneliness be over
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The light he saw dancing in her eyes made the corners of his mouth tug upwards even more. Someone unaccustomed to him still would have had to look to find the smile, but she knew it was there and would know that it had grown. As she rested her head against him again his free hand move to gently brush against the hair at the back of her head. The sound of her breathing and the sound of the waves mixed in his ears and created one of the most soothing noises the man had ever heard. He couldn't imagine wanting to be anywhere else at this moment. All of his emotions and thoughts swirled around her and her scent overtook his nose with only the lightest hint of the cool sea breeze.

Then she took some steps away, though their hands remained clasped. Onus said nothing in response, but his feet began to follow, the subtle smile still on his face. It was clear she had some particular destination in mind and he watched the woad woman with interest as they walked over the warm sands of the beach. Every movement of her's was made with such grace, he had never seen anyone move as she did. It added to all of the mystique that seemed to radiate from her. For a moment he wondered if every wolf where she came from was like her. Quickly that thought was dismissed. There was no one like Cwmfen, he knew that deep down. For no one else could do to him what she did.

She lead them into a cave that was nestled in between the cliffs by the ocean. Onus had been inside a few caves before, though none quite like this. The caves he had entered had stagnant and musty air inside. A scent that wasn't exactly harsh on the nose, but most definitely not pleasant either. But clean, fresh air ran through this cave. Looking around he noticed a few trinkets that she must have collected and put here. Some weapons, a few pelts, and a lone book. Curious, he tried to make out the title, but his head turned back to her as her sweet voice spoke again. The man looked into the tunnels ahead and then back into her eyes. "Sure," he said. His tones had a lighter and less rough quality about them as he spoke with her.


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